仔细阅读小册子,小册子和网页的内容。要特别注意有关提供产品的分销商/制造商的信息。您拥有的信息材料必须在欧盟国家/地区注明公司名称,该公司的负责人姓名,法定地址,联系电话号码和电子地址 – 纳税人号码和注册信息。
询问产品的分销商/制造商关于其创建和开发的历史 – 例如:谁创造了产品,何时何地进行了临床测试,过去生产了哪些模型以及计划生产哪些模型等。尝试检查收到的信息。
如果分销商/制造商提及IPP,LLC或Vladimir Nesterov先生作为非线性诊断系统的作者,他们大概可能会向该分销商/制造商授予制造和销售此类系统的权利,我们建议您申请我们澄清。
Prior to purchase get binding offer from distributor in which description and delivery set of offered equipment must be listed. The following document must be given to you together with a device:
- passport of manufacturing plant,
- warranty,
- user’s manual,
- invoice.
When you buying a system with “Metatron” trademark with software similar by appearance and name to products of the IPP, LLC or at a price much lower than market price or not from authorized representatives of the IPP, LLC or if you have any other doubts, we recommend you to apply to us for clarification.
When you buying a system from other manufacturers and with other trademarks, distinct from “Metatron™”, containing however software similar by appearance and name to products of the IPP, we recommend you to apply to us for clarification.
If price includes training courses on system handling, make sure that distributor/manufacturer or any other authorized by him person has necessary competence and experience. It is advisably to get recommendations from persons graduated from such training courses. The same rules are applicable for separate training courses, extension courses, etc.
If your lecturer refers to authorization for holding of training courses from the IPP, LLC but he is not an authorized distributor of the IPP, LLC, we recommend you to apply to us for clarification.
We wish you every success,